Timetable Search   |      2025-03-18, 02:25:16

1 result for the search terms 103000 ort:Online "referent:Rom Werner" gruppe:Standardgruppe ort:Online gruppe:Standardgruppe

Notice: all found events are in the past.

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Group Filter for 103000 ort:Online referent:Rom Werner gruppe:Standardgruppe ort:Online gruppe:Standardgruppe

Course Filter for 103000 ort:Online referent:Rom Werner gruppe:Standardgruppe ort:Online gruppe:Standardgruppe

Start/end Year/group Course Notiz Speaker City/building no./room no.
10.12.2024 (Tuesday)
09:00 - 10:30 MET 2024 / Standardgruppe Advanced Traffic Technologies Rom Werner Online 09:00 - 10:30MET 2024 / Standardgruppe
Advanced Traffic Technologies (Rom Werner)
Legend: past now today future